North Deal
Read more about the work of your councillors representing the North Deal ward in Dover District Council.

Daniel Parks
North Deal
As a proud North Deal resident, Daniel will be dedicated to improving this part of the District. Whatever the issue – whether it be supporting our town’s small business, fighting for better and more affordable housing, or working for more green spaces and play areas, or anything else – Daniel will always take up your issues with enthusiasm and commitment.
Contact Daniel

Susan Beer
North Deal
Portfolio for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment
Sue was first elected as a Labour Town Councillor in 2017, then was elected to the District Council in 2019. Sue will continue working for a cleaner greener environment and better use of taxpayers’ money.
Contact Susan
Sue was first elected as a Labour Town Councillor in 2017, then was elected to the District Council in 2019. Sue will continue working for a cleaner greener environment and better use of taxpayers’ money.

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As your local Councillors, we can help residents on a range of issues, such as council tax, bin collections, housing issues, social services, schools and roads and pavements.
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us. Please remember to provide as many details as possible, including your name, address, issue, and full contact details.
Your Labour Councillors also hold face-to-face and online surgeries using Zoom/Microsoft Teams. At each session, we’ll be available to help with local issues. Email us here to book an appointment for surgery.