Petition to save Richborough and Deal Household Waste & Recycling Centres
Sign the petition here to express your concerns and demand that KCC retains both the Richborough and Deal Household Waste and Recyling Centres.

Kent County Council (KCC) are proposing cuts to our frontline services in a bid to save over £1m a year on waste services.
Cllr Kevin Mills said “ We’re urging KCC to rethink these plans, which are counterproductive both to the environment and cost saving. Whilst we appreciate the pressure on KCC’s budget they should be seeking to protect the key services on which people rely.”
Sign the petition here to express your concerns and demand that KCC retains both the Richborough and Deal Household Waste and Recyling Centres.

As your local Councillors, we can help residents on a range of issues, such as council tax, bin collections, housing issues, social services, schools and roads and pavements.
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us. Please remember to provide as many details as possible, including your name, address, issue, and full contact details.
Your Labour Councillors also hold face-to-face and online surgeries using Zoom/Microsoft Teams. At each session, we’ll be available to help with local issues. Email us here to book an appointment for surgery.